Saturday, July 15, 2017

LTSCB #99 Mid-Month Inspiration

Hi everyone and welcome back to the Love To Scrap Challenge Blog! We hope you are enjoying this month's "Anything Goes" challenge! Another thanks to our amazing sponsors and to everyone playing with us - we are really enjoying your entries! :D

We're back as promised with your mid-month inspiration!

Take a look at the second group of pretties from The Scrappy Girls...

using image provided by sponsor
Posh Puppy 
(SheepSki Designs)

using image provided by sponsor
Flower Lips
(Limited Runs Stamps)

using image provided by sponsor
Panda with Cup
(Little Blue Button Stamps)

using image provided by sponsor
(Limited Runs Stamps)

using image provided by sponsor
Snow Happy
(SheepSki Designs)

using image provided by sponsor
Mini Bird in Plane
(Limited Runs Stamps)

If you haven't already done so, be sure to visit our designers' blogs for full details on their DT inspiration projects and take a moment to let them know you love what you see - it would totally make their day! And leave us a comment when you link up... we love reading your comments!

As a reminder, you can enter up to five projects in our challenges! And be sure to check out our sister blogs, Love To Craft Challenge Blog and Mix It Up Challenge Blog, where you can enter up to five projects as well! We'd love to see you there! :)

Remember, this challenge will run all month long, ending at 6:00 PM EST on the last day of month, so grab your papers, scissors and embellishments, and get scrappy with us!

The Scrappy Girls

Link up below for LTSCB #99 - Anything Goes!    [If the LinkyTool disappears, please either leave your link in a comment below or stop back by later on... it should only be temporary! Thanks! :]

1 comment:

Karen P said...

Thank you for the challenge lovely ladies and for sharing your beautiful projects with us too Karen x